Sunday, April 22, 2018

America's Award For Youth-Look Into It©

If you have highly motivated children or grandchildren they may be interested in "The Congressional Award" styled as "America's Award For Youth."  It has some similarities to the personal progress programs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and may be of special interest to young Mormons.  The promotional literature about the program says:
"The Congressional Award is the United States Congress’ award for young Americans. ...  Participants earn Bronze, Silver, and Gold Congressional Award Certificates and Bronze, Silver, and Gold Congressional Award Medals. Each level involves setting goals in four program areas: Voluntary Public Service, Personal Development, Physical Fitness, and Expedition/Exploration. Earning The Congressional Award is a fun and interesting way to get more involved in something you already enjoy or something you’d like to try for the first time. You move at your own pace – on your own or with your friends. This is not an award for past accomplishments. Instead, you are honored for achieving your own challenging goals after registering for the program.
Regardless of your situation, you can earn The Congressional Award. The Congressional Award has no minimum grade point average requirements. It accommodates young people with special needs or disabilities who are willing to take the challenge."
I urge parents and young people to check this out, here:
Lets think together again, soon.